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I have nowhere to go. This is my only place. 3 months ago my
parents split up ever since then everything’s gone wrong.
My parents were fighting all the time I didn’t care though
‘cos they were fighting over and who would get me. I didn’t realize it was
about when they split up because their proper fights were in whisper form late
at night when I was asleep. When they finally split up I had to go with my mum
I hated it. She started dating and I hated all the people. She started dating a
teacher of mine I then I left I went to my dad’s had to explain to him
everything. That didn’t work his new wife hated me. He then arranged for me to
get a ride with a friend’s child of his to my grandparents. He knew I wouldn’t
drive so he got the guy to. My worst nightmare started about then. I had never
met him then it dawned on me it was his wife’s child.
so chapter 1 will be coming as soon as I write it.